Blogorama - The Blog Directory CCUSA - The Worst Summer Camp Organisation: 2014

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Update On The Camp Birchwood for Boys/CCUSA Situation!

Over the last few months I have completed my third year of University and achieved much better grades in my second semester after just scraping through my first semester after focusing more on my University. I had to say no to the internship opportunity in Holland this summer, which would have been great for my future as I needed a job that will have made me more money, which is just an ordinary job I have been doing for almost two months.
So I have been extremely busy the last couple of months but I thought I would give one last update on here.
I said I wouldn’t post on here again until I had something substantial and at times I almost did and it was something substantial against CCUSA. I was able to take legal action against CCUSA, the only downside that there was a one off payment that I had to make in order to do this and in both April and May, even June as well I almost paid the one time fee but was convinced against this the first two times as it would have left me with almost zero money for the rest of the month and well decided against it the last time as I was actually able to clear some debt of from which only existed due to what happened to me at Camp Birchwood for Boys.
Now what I have against CCUSA is something substantial and without a doubt proves that they have in fact wronged me in this whole situation, if it wasn’t for this one time fee I would have probably succeeded in legal action against CCUSA months ago.
Although this is in no way legal action against the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys, it would go to show that the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys ‘Daniel Bredemus’ has wronged me as well, as CCUSA chose to back up the director making up new excuses everytime I had proved their reasoning for backing him up wrong. Although I think the emails from CCUSA that show them changing their story and dodging the main questions that still remain unanswered.are proof in itself.
Now I believe I might still be able to take this legal action against CCUSA but since I cannot afford it looks unlikely I can carry on with that.
That is the main update on this whole situation, however I would like to clear some things up. When I scan through all my posts I believe that I have stuck by the main points throughout However in the earlier posts I have let my feelings about the situation have an affect in what I wanted to say and said some things I shouldn’t have, some of it was pretty nasty in fact and I still believe that Dan is not a good person, giving what he has done but that is all I should say about the who I believe him to be. I will not delete any of it as I have said it but will now just state that I should not have said it.
Another thing I want to clear up is what happened on my last day there and what I believe the actual reason for why the director really did this.
I will start of with what happened that day. On my last day we got back to camp an got everything ready to be packed out. Just as we are starting pack out another counselor ‘Chase Henderson’ told me that ‘Brent Louis’ fellow trip and cabin counselor had gone to take a nap. I had went to check up on him and found out that he wasn’t actually there and at this point I figured that he had gone to cool off somewhere as he got annoyed all trip and had always took time to himself to cool off. Now I believe he had most likely gone off with the director to maybe sort things out in regards with what actually happened. Also if this is the case I really hope that Chase had nothing to do with this and I hope that he truly believed that Brent had actually gone for a nap as I a believe him to be a good person. Obviously this is just speculation that I cannot prove in anyway and I don’t truly know what happened here.
Next in Reeve Hall which is the main dining hall, myself and Brent are filling in our camp letters where Brent asks me to complete the homesick camper’s letter because he had nothing good to say about him the whole trip, I did fill this letter in but don’t believe I could say much myself as I never once had him in my canoe or tent the entire trip as the homesick camper was always part of Brent Louis’s group on the trip. Also while filling out the letters another counselor ‘Jack Kirby’ came up to me and Brent and told us that the homesick camper was out to get us for not letting him go back to camp during the trip. Now the trip was a one-way trip according to Brent Louis who has done this route in the past, so there was no possible way we could have got him back to camp especially due to all the severe thunderstorms. What Jack Kirby then said was that Dan would never believe the homesick camper.
Next I arrive the first time at the directors cabin where he initially accuses me of shouting and swearing at a camper on a lake, at the time I didn’t really know what to think but the director also said that another camp had made these accusations, I didn’t know what to say at the time. Although this turned out to be a lie by the director, so the very first thing the director said to me on the matter was a lie. the lie in itself actually implicates Brent Louis and not myself
I then left and later at dinner Brent Louis could not look me in the eye at the dinner table and afterwards was told that the other director wanted to see me where I was told that Dan had decided to let me go and I had pleaded my case, which to anyone would be clear that I hadn’t done what I was accused of and yet I was still fired and it was during this time that I first realised that maybe there was something else going on here and this was just a feeling and nothing more at this point but remembering Jack had said that the homesick camper was out to get me and Brent as well as the fact that what Dan had accused me of earlier actually implicated Brent, so if the director truly believed all this why wasn’t Brent Louis fired. With ‘Jack Kirby’ a returning counselor as main proof of this, the director would himself be calling Jack Kirby a liar, Not to mention that the lies from the homesick camper actually implicated Brent as well as the directors lie about another camp making these complaints as throughout the whole trip the homesick camper was always in Brent Louis’s canoe apart from the very end of the trip where he was in Jack Kirby’s canoe when Jack trip had caught up with our one.
I believe that the director may have thought that I might be thinking that something else was going on here, as he himself stated that he would offer me a good reference for working at a summer camp again and would even hire me again next year. Remember the director accused me of shouting and swearing at a homesick camper at this point in time, never mind what the almost complete different story he told CCUSA. The only question from here is why would the director offer me a good reference for another summer camp or offer to hire me again if he truly believed in what I was being accused of. As I have stated before I believe it to be in hope that I wouldn’t put in a complaint against him, lucky for him CCUSA are just a bunch of corporates that do not care about their participants well being or the campers well being either.
Now two things that happened right at the end of my time there I don’t believe I have talked about yet and this is merely because it is speculation and nothing else. In the directors cabin at the end was both directors and the directors sister. At the end it was just me and the directors sister, now me being me I felt like I needed to say something so I apologised to his sister and she asked me why I was sorry and I had no answer because I had nothing to be sorry for. (Me saying sorry is just one of these bad habits, which I really should have got over by now). But the interesting part of what happened here is that his sister then tells me that I have no reason to be sorry and that she herself was sorry. This clearly shows that she knows that I haven’t done anything wrong but it also shows that she most likely knows the real reason as to why I was fired. I almost asked her why but decided against it and to this day it is the closest I have ever gotten to an answer to this.
Now the second thing again speculation but it could be true so will state it anyway, it came just outside camp at the end of the Gunflint Trail, where I saw ‘Patrick Cullen’ who was returning from a hospital in Grand Marais with a camper. Now Patrick Cullen I believe is the longest serving counselor at this point and is without a doubt the directors number one guy and I would say that the director see’s Patrick Cullen as a brother so there is no doubt in my mind that the director has already told Patrick about what he has done to me. Yet Patrick gives of this fake reaction asking what was happening, obviously this is just speculation but the reaction was just so fake, so why is he pretending that he doesn’t know what is happening to me, as I have mentioned in earlier posts I believed at the end of my time there the director had something against me, could this have been part of the reason for Patrick pretending not to know anything, did Patrick know the real reason why the director was doing this to me or was Patrick part of the reason as to why this was happening to me. It is just speculation of course.
I have now gone on to mention the main points from that day, anything new I have added is really just speculation but I believe some of it is very important as to what I believe the real reason the director fired me.
Now when it comes to the counselor Brent Louis, I believe the homesick camper lied about him as well as although the homesick camper was in Brent Louis’s canoe which I wasn’t always in earshot of I never once heard Brent Louis swear the entire time at camp so although the lies implicate Brent I do not believe he shouted or swore at the homesick camper but I do believe that he had a part in what the director did to me due to the mere fact that he couldn’t even look me in the eye and also from the report that the director sent CCUSA a few days later also accused me of very different thing including forcing a camper to do push ups, again this implicated Brent Louis but this has an element of truth to to as it was Brent Louis who was involved in the push up incident. Now I will say that Brent Louis never forced this camper to do push ups (something I haven’t made clear enough) but he was wrong in what he did there and although I was the one that stopped it, it shouldn’t have taken me as long to stop it as I did and to that camper I am truly sorry. The report and what actually happened in the incident can be found here:
Now the report is what made me fully believe that the director had known I had done nothing wrong when firing me as the report is almost completely different from what he accused me of on the day. Along with this is the fact that the main questions still haven’t been answered almost a year later. With proof from a returning counselor that Brent Louis was also accused of the same thing yet was not fired? Why lie about another camp making these accusations if the director truly believed I had done this? Why offer me a good reference and to hire me again next year if the director truly believed I had done this? Why did the director fail to accuse me of without a doubt the worst possible thing in the report on the day I was fired and why was the report almost completely different from what he accused me of on the day? Along with the questions that come from the speculation as well. Looking at this I believe that it is obvious that I was clearly wronged here and anyone to think otherwise would be lying or in denial.
The only thing I have not mentioned now is  what I believe to be the real reason for which Dan fired me. It could be the equipment and the tent such as he tent nicknamed ‘Hey Bert’ which was broken and unable to sleep in which got put out in three trips without repair or being replaced, but I don’t believe this to be the reason. It could be that the director used me as a scapegoat for Brent Louis to ensure that he got to stay but I don’t believe this to be the actual reason either I believe that this just came as a convenience to the director as he had nothing against me and he saw this as his chance as he would never have had anything against me.
As for the reason I believe I was really fired. I’m going to keep that to myself as the reasons above are based on facts whereas the reason that I actually believe for why this happened is based on all the speculation and is not something I ever want to be wrong about but I would bet on anything that I am right.
I believe I have now covered everything and some might say I have taken things to far including the video I created I believe that I did the right thing in this and at least it gets what happened to me out there and people can choose there own opinions from this and if you choose to go against this I wish you the best.
As for now I will finish the job I have for and hopefully earn more than enough money doing the best I can and will then move onto my final year at University and try my best to graduate with first class honours and along the way if I do get the luck to take the legal action against CCUSA or to get justice or even just answers for what happened to me but my main focus will be on my studies and achieving the best possible results.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Friday, 28 February 2014

Further Emails With CCUSA! Catching CCUSA Out On A Major Lie! Horrible Camp Birchwood for Boys Experience!

So back in September I recommended somebody against applying through CCUSA because of my bad experience. CCUSA contacted me saying to email them in order I wouldn't and that they they would help sort my problems with them.

This is the main parts of the email I sent them.

I have emailed CCUSA about this situation before, through a different email address though.
I stated my reasons about being unfairly treated by camp and that what they accused me off didn't happen.
The proof that I was unfairly let go is that another counsellor got accused of largely the same things as me and kept his job, the director 'Daniel Bredemus' seemed to have something against me in the end, he also lied to me just before I left camp and he also said that he would hire me again next year and if he truly believed what I got accused of he would never offer that, and I feel he said this in the hope that I didn't put in a complaint against him.
From what I can tell all CCUSA did was send Camp Birchwood for Boys an email asking for their reasons and the camp's reply to this seemed to be the end of the matter, and I was also told that CCUSA had adequate information on it and although I don't consider that even adequate information, you should be looking to collect as much information as possible to get to bottom of the matter considering I am a paying customer.
I went into more detail into what happened in previous emails and still got next to no help from CCUSA.
What I feel on your reasons for this is that CCUSA got $341 dollars of my wage and I feel had this not been the case, you may have been more helpful.
 I got paid $452 from my time there, I was due $1510 for the dates I was contracted and because of what happened to me I am now in debt. I am also due to start my 3rd year of University on Monday 23 September 2013, and I still don't have a flat or the money for a flat because of what happened to me in all this, I now have to rely on my student loan to get something sorted or I will have to drop out.
Although this is the camp's fault because its their lies, CCUSA could have easily done so much more to help me on this matter as there is clearly something else going on here and I feel the director may have had his own personal reasons for this as it is the only thing that makes sense to me. The fact is what I was accused of didn't happen and this should never have happened to me and I feel you should have helped me out more.
It was the head of the UK office David King I got in contact with and this is the first part of his reply.

 Hi Stuart and thanks for getting in touch. Although I did not deal directly with your situation at camp, I was aware of what was happening and was kept informed at every stage by Mike Fried, our US Country Director and Robert Hudson, one of our Placement Coordinators. At that time, they were best placed to assist you. It is important to remember that once a dismissal has taken place, we have to respect and accept the decision of the Camp Director, your employer, as we are not there to oversee your every action. If there are disputes that arise from a firing, we can then look into it. I understand that when you spoke to Robert on July 19th, you accepted the reasons for your dismissal, before questioning the decision on July 22nd.
Now what I have highlighted is that CCUSA tried to claim that I accepted the reasons for being fired, Which I never did.
I in fact complained when I was still in Minneapolis by a payphone in the Greyhound Bus Station before I started travelling on July 20th.
I didn't complain to CCUSA when I was still in camp because I was confused with what was happening but I never once accepted the decision. SO THE FIRST LIE FROM CCUSA ON THIS EMAIL.

Here is the next part of CCUSA email.

Secondly, if there are any disputes which arise from a dismissal, we have a duty to take any allegations seriously and deal with them appropriately wherever necessary. From your e-mail, it seems that this is where your grievance lies, but your main issues concern the way that your dismissal was handled by Camp Birchwood. Having worked at camps where people have been fired, I do know that action is taken quickly, decisively and often without a lengthy explanation.
 What I have highlighted is what CCUSA tried to tell me what my reasons were for why I'm not happy with what happened but as I have made clear so many times the reason I'm not happy is that the director not only wrongfully fired me but there is so much proof that shows that the director has purosely done this for his own personal agenda.

Next main part of the reply from CCUSA
 Although the reasons for your dismissal were deemed to be acceptable, we also review all of the camps that we work with and major issues are addressed at the end of the season. In the past there have been occasions where we have stopped working with camps who show a disregard for the health, safety or wellbeing of the counselors. Although I am not involved in this process, your statement, as well as surveys from other counselors, will be looked at and taken into account. As I’m sure you can understand, this process cannot take place over the summer while both our US Office and the summer camps are incredibly busy. As a result, your situation was looked at during the summer and will also be discussed once the reviews take place. I feel that this is an acceptable outcome and constitutes a proper, thorough review into the matter.
Now what I have highlighted clearly shows that David King of CCUSA has said that my matter will be looked at in more detail at the end of the summer due to  CCUSA being to busy during to busy during the summer.

Here is the main part of my reply to this.

Hi, thanks for getting back to me
I never accepted the reasons for my dismissal and Robert Hudson told me to send him an email on the matter when I got back to the UK, this is what I did.
I recognise the efforts made in helping me get back to the UK and I sent an email to Robert and CCUSA thanking them for helping me get back.
I also then sent an email of why I felt I was unfairly dismissed and Robert said he would get in contact with Camp Birchwood and then get in contact with me. He got in contact with me saying that he had accepted the camps decision on it, I was understandably upset with this as I know I did not do this and it seemed that this was an end on the matter.
Later I contacted Mike Fried and he ended up saying that they had collected adequate information on the matter and again I was understandably upset on this matter as you should be doing everything possible to get the matter sorted out.
What I wasn't told before was that my matter was going to get reviewed at the end of the summer. I am pleased to hear this as what happened to me wasn't fair and I believe that with a proper review into this situation that I will be cleared with what I was accused of.
Here is the reply from CCUSA

 If I get any information from our US Office, I will of course pass it on to you. The end of season reviews will focus on the overall experience of our counselors, so alongside your experience will be information from people who will have stayed for the whole summer and enjoyed everything about their time at Birchwood for Boys. If our US Office do decide to continue our working relationship with the camp, it will be because the positive aspects of the camp outweigh the negative aspects. We would never knowingly send our counselors to an environment that we believe is unsafe or where counselors are not looked after, but we also have to remember that dismissals are sometimes an unfortunate part of a job for both the employer and employee. Firing a member of staff does not automatically make a camp a terrible place and this will be factored into the review. It’s also important to note that any review will not necessarily look at specific incidents, but will be factored into part of a larger review. Your case will certainly be highlighted, but as it was comprehensively dealt with over the summer, I do not feel that our US Office or Birchwood will go into too much depth unless there is new information to discuss.
 Now David King clearly stated in the email just before this that CCUSA were to busy to do a full review into the matter and that it will be looked at in more detail at the end of the summer
Now what I have highlighted here shows David King of CCUSA changing the story, now saying that my situation was 'comprehensively' looked at in the summer and will not be dealt with unless more information comes to light.

So this is the first major lie that I have caught CCUSA out on!

My reply to them just showed my disappointment in them. Although I did send them some new information as I never knew I was being accused of something my co-counselor did (forcing a camper to do push-ups).

The new information I gave to CCUSA here was everything that happened in this incident. Here is what actually happened and the exact message I sent CCUSA on this. Here is a link to the same message I'm about to post on here;

Now the start of the message is the report that the director 'Daniel Bredemus' sent to CCUSA

- Being cruel to one camper in particular.  Stuart would yell obscenities at him and tell him to stop paddling and then he would yell at him to start paddling again over and over again.  The camper was confused and scared of Stuart Moran.  This camper was also making shadow puppets in the cabin while Stuart was reading a book to the campers, and as a punishment for not paying attention, Stuart forced him to do push ups.  During the push up session, Stuart put his foot on the camper's back, and caused him to fall over and made him start over again with the push-ups.  Other campers in the cabin confirmed the story.:

- Campers also stated that Stuart screamed obscenities at a homesick camper who cried frequently during the trip.

- Threatening to drag a camper out of his tent if he did not get out, while using obscenities.
This part of the message is me telling CCUSA the full story of what happened with the main incident
 What I have highlighted I was not accused of by Birchwood for boys and knew nothing about it until recieving this, it was a canoeing trip and it was me and 2 other campers in one canoe and I did not yell at either of the campers and the other camper in the canoe did not make this complaint so why would I do this to one and not the other.As for the shadow puppet incident, the camp punishment was 10 push-ups, this for one campers didn't mind as a punishment and also the director 'Daniel Bredemus' was OK with the punishment for push ups. What happened in this case was that it was a time called lights out, where we get the campers to quiet down and ready for bed, so when the camper kept on acting out in this way I said that he had 50 push ups in the morning, this is something I always said and had them do no more than 10, the morning came and I got him to do 10 push ups and then what I didn't expect was the other campers started to complain because of what I said the night before about 50 push ups and I said he would do them later but they were still complaining and that is when my co-counselor got up from his bed and told the camper to do push ups and every time the camper stoped doing it my co-counselor made him start again and my co-counselor never forced him to fall over but he did put his foot on his back as the other campers were complaining that he wasn't doing them properly. i had no idea what to do here and it took until my fellow counselor asked me if he had done the correct amount of push ups (where I said yes) for him to stop.  
I can see why the camper wouldn't be happy with me here but why I got accused of something my co-counselor did(although exsaggerated by the camper) I still don't understand.
I also don't understand why the director failed to mention this to me, as it seems that this is easily the worst thing in the report. I feel it may be because had the director mentioned this to me before I left I would have been able to answer this, as I have already stated I feel he may have had his own personal reasons for letting me go.
What I have highlighted is what actually happened in this incident and is the exact same message I sent sent CCUSA roughly 6 months ago.

 Now as you can see from the message I sent CCUSA, I took responsibility for that I could have done more to stop it at the time as well as me taking responsibility for being a bit of an idiot in all of this. It was the other counselor that had done this.
Although I could have stopped it sooner. I did stop it and I made sure it never happened again.

Also in this I say that the camper exaggerated what happened but it was the director 'Daniel Bredemus' that wrote the report, so who's to say he didn't purposely make it look even worse than it was.

After I sent CCUSA this, I still haven't heard anything back on this matter. So when they said that CCUSA will look into the matter when new information comes up, this was obviously another lie. I don't even know if CCUSA sent this to the director, well it wouldn't have made a difference as he already knows I didn't do it.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Horrible experience at Camp Birchwood for Boys - More CCUSA Emails

After I realised that I was also underpaid by Camp Birchwood for Boys, I then contacted contacted CCUSA to get this sorted, even though they did next to nothing to help me prior to this.
This is the reply from Mike Fried of CCUSA:
Hello Stuart,I want to take this opportunity to address the issues in your email.I am not sure what you are stating about clearing your name?  You were released from your camp contract and we have collected information which we believe legitimizes the reason the camp no longer wanted you employed.  We realize as well you have presented your side of the events, but as has been explained to your thoroughly, your employment is at will and a camp may terminate for proper reasons at any time.  Your visa was ended, not terminated, there is no black mark on your record and nothing to prevent you from applying for further visas.I cannot comment on the other camp counselor who you claimed kept his job as I have no connection to this, but truthfully would not be able to comment on this even if I was aware as each case is independent on its own merits.Regarding your pay, as outlined in your program agreement, your contract is actually 63 days, plus pay for additional days worked beyond that time ( you would not be paid for days off).  Your program agreement calls for you to be paid $1,000 USD for the 63 day period, however, you only worked 50 days, and thus are paid on a pro- rated amount for that time. The calculations given to you and the fees deducted were fair and accurate and applied based upon the signed program agreement, the information in your pre- departure orientation and the interview checklist covered with you.Thank you,MikeMichael Fried
What I have put in bold, it does show that the law is weak in this area although it says their needs to be proper reasons, which there clearly was not any. I provided CCUSA with so much proof of this. The proof I showed them is here
Here was my reply to that email:
Hi,I want to clear my name as Camp Birchwood for Boys fired me for something I did not do.Put yourself in my position, not only did I get let go for something I didn't do but they accused me of something horrible and for personal reasons hurtful. I would never do this to another child, I will not stop until I clear my name of this. Also my co counselor Brent Louis did keep his job and he was accused of the same things as me. Also had the director Daniel Bredemus actually believed the accusations made against me and my fellow counselor, Brent would have been fired as well yet he kept his job. Also when I was trying to tell the director that this didn't happen, he told me that he would hire me again next year and he would also give me a good reference if I wanted to go to a different camp, if he really believed I did this why would he say this.The director has also messed with my life here, I am now in debt because of this, also I might have to drop out of university because I don't have the money for a flat to stay in. My whole experience has been ruined by all of this. So put yourself in my position and tell me what you would be doing differently.It is clear that none of the reasoning behind me being let go makes sense, and yet you say that the camps reasons were legit. What is your reasoning behind that?I came to CCUSA for help on this and from what I can tell all you did was email them asking for their reason and that their reply was the end of it.  The very least you could have done was give me the contact information of someone who could help me.You have said that my employment at camp is at will and that they may terminate that for proper reasons at any time but it is clear clear their reasoning isn't proper.I realise now that there is no black mark on my record but what if I wanted to work at another camp in the future, what is this going to do for me.I think I have more than enough reasons for wanting to clear my name.Also about the pay, I signed a contract with camp in which the contracted dates were 31 May 2013 - 18 August 2013 and as I have stated before it is quite clear that I am still owed a wage no matter what the circumstance and I'll go to a small claims court if I have to.I am currently still looking to clear my name and I am making some progress towards it at the moment and hopefully it will happen I will have it cleared soon.I can promise you that everything I have said is true, and with the current director in place this could very well happen again.I would advise you not to work with this camp again as this could very well happen to someone else.ThanksStuart Moran
Here is what he said:
Hello Stuart,
I believe I have already clearly stated that there is no mark on your record and you now say the camp has even agreed to give you a positive reference for a future position.  As I have stated previously, I cannot comment on third party claims we are not involved in, and also have let you know we have ADEQUATE information to agree with the camps decision to release you from your camp contract.
All the procedures and costs involved, as well as forfeiture of pay were clearly outlined during many phases of the program and in your program agreement.
We do assess our relationship with all our camps at the end of every season and take into consideration all correspondence.
Thank you,
Michael Fried
Now what I have put in bold here is Mike saying that CCUSA has gathered adequate information.
I was fired for something I didn't do and treated horribly by Camp Birchwood for Boys and all he can say is the he gathered adequate information on the matter, which really means that CCUSA gathered minimal information on the matter.This is the general attitude that CCUSA have towards their participants, it's awful and all it shows is that they do not care about their participants at all.
Also in later emails you will see CCUSA change their story a lot as I keep on catching them out on so many lies.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Emails With CCUSA! Horrible Experience at Camp Birchwood for Boys

After being unfairly let go from Camp Birchwood for Boys on 19 July 2013, I got in contact with CCUSA originally by phone when I was still in Minneapolis and that's when CCUSA told me to wait until I was in the UK and send my complaint in an email.
The email below, which was sent on the 23 July 2013 shows the worst thing that I was originally accused of before being fired and after this all CCUSA did was email Camp Birchwood for Boys asking for their reasoning and the director Daniel Bredemus sent them the report and that is where it ended with CCUSA.
I was let go by Camp Birchwood unfairly as what I have been accused of just didn't happen.

I was accused of screaming and shouting at the children, which I know that I will never do this and being accused of this makes me feel really down about myself and I know I wouldn't do this as I have based my self on not being like that as I know exactly how it feels and would never do that to another person nevermind another child. Also Dan has fired me for this reason yet he has previously said that I am one of the campers favourite counselors. He also said he would hire me again next year and that he would give me a good reference if I was to go to another camp.

None of the reasoning behind this makes sense and to me it show that either he has lied as well or he has been incompetent in all of this. Therefore I am looking to clear my name of any wrongdoing and although the is no black mark against my record, I was still accused of something horrible and it needs to be cleared up. Also I wasn't even given the correct wages for the 7 week period that I worked there for, and I will be looking to claim my full contracted wages as I was let go unfairly.

This situation that has been created has messed with my life both in the long term and the short term and I will be doing all I can to fix this.
Below is the report that Camp Birchwood for Boys had sent to CCUSA on 24 July 2013. The report is horrible and I hate reading it as it is just awful that someone would wrongly accuse someone of something as horrible as this.
Now what I have put in bold is what the director failed to mention to me before I left camp and yet it is included in the report to CCUSA and it is easily the worst thing that is in the report and I don't believe for a second that the director just forgot to mention this to me. What has been put in bold was in fact another counselor that had done this and I know this because I witnessed it, after it happened I made sure that it never happened again, although the director has over done it (most likely to make me look as bad as possible). This is the reason the director didn't mention this to me was because he knew I hadn't done it and also knew it was another counselor, so he has most likely used me as a scapegoat for not just a returning counselor but a previous camper, and how would it look on the director that he would hire and re-hire a person like this.
We received a formal write up of complaints lodged against you during your time at camp.  Many of the complaints revolve around your 3 day camping trip to Lake Saganaga.  2 campers initially complained and their story was further corroborated by others who say the witnessed your behavior.  Their complaints include:
- Being cruel to one camper in particular.  Stuart would yell obscenities at him and tell him to stop paddling and then he would yell at him to start paddling again over and over again.  The camper was confused and scared of Stuart Moran.  This camper was also making shadow puppets in the cabin while Stuart was reading a book to the campers, and as a punishment for not paying attention, Stuart forced him to do push ups.  During the push up session, Stuart put his foot on the camper's back, and caused him to fall over and made him start over again with the push-ups.  Other campers in the cabin confirmed the story.:
- Campers also stated that Stuart screamed obscenities at a homesick camper who cried frequently during the trip.
- Threatening to drag a camper out of his tent if he did not get out, while using obscenities.

Also in the report there is no mention of another camp making complaints about screaming and shouting at campers. Yet the director told me that another camp had made these complaints and that was his main back up for firing me, yet this is not mentioned in the report. He obviously couldn't risk CCUSA or anyone else contacting the camp in question as he would have been found out for his lies.
The other things in the report I have already mentioned about how I did not do it and there has been proof of this including another counselor overhearing that the homesick camper was out to get me and my fellow trip counselor for not letting him go back to camp during a trip, which we were unable to do due to it being a one-way trip. So not only did I get accused of something another counselor did but there is also proof that shows that I didn't do what else I was accused of and that another counselor (same as the one above) was also accused of this and yet I was the only one fired as the other counselor kept his job.
So looking at this it is clear to me that the director has lied and in my opinion has purposely fired me for something I didn't do, It is also clear to me that CCUSA also knows this as you just have to look at the facts:
- Me being accused of something another counselor did and the director not mentioning this to me on the day I was fired.
- Another counselor being proof that the homesick camper had lied and that another counselor was also accused, yet only I was fired.
- The fact that the director said that another camp had made these complaints and yet this was another lie by the director.
-The director offered to hire me again next year as well as offering to give me a good reference. Most likely in hope that I wouldn't put a complaint against him.
-Also as I've mentioned before the director seemed to have a personal problem with me, as for why this occurred. I don't know what could have made this happen.
-Also there was only ever me and one other counselor present during what I was accused off in the report and yet the director says more than one person backs this up. Yet ANOTHER lie from the director.

What I can tell from this is if the director truly believed that I had done something wrong then there would be no need for him to lie and yet he lied countless amount of times, which shows to me he has done this on purpose and makes the whole matter even more disgusting and pathetic and the fact is, is that this is the only thing that makes this situation make sense.
I will post other emails with CCUSA which shows them trying and failing to cover their tracks, which is why I should be able to get a full refund from them when I take this matter to the small claims court. Also I am confident that I will at least get some justice for what happened at Camp Birchwood for Boys, even though it has taken its time.
Below is the last part of the email that CCUSA sent to me.
I hope that life settles down for you soon and you can find a way to appreciate the good parts of your summer.  Even those these campers complained, I'm sure you must have made a positive impact on many other campers.  Try to focus on remembering those campers.  Hopefully this report can lead to some closure for you.

In bold is the last thing they said in this email to me and I thought this was a horrible way to end an email. How they could say that the false report from Camp Birchwood for Boys could give me closure, but seeing the report is what fully convinced me that the director had knowingly fired me for something I did not do and I will not stop until I get some just some justice for what has happened, which should hopefully be soon enough.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Horrible Experience With CCUSA and Camp Birchwood for Boys

CCUSA are a horrible summer camp organisation.
CCUSA overcharged me and lied to me about this and I have proof of this and when I showed this to CCUSA and they would reply to me when they ran out of excuses.
I was treated horribly by Camp Birchwood for Boys and the director fired me for something I didn’t do and I went to CCUSA for help on this and CCUSA did nothing to help me even though I provided them with so much that the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys had treated me horribly and yet CCUSA did nothing to help me.
I have been looking to take legal action against CCUSA and Camp Birchwood for Boys.  I recently went and got advice about what to do in terms of CCUSA and was advised to go to small claims court to get the original fees I paid for the program as CCUSA have went against the program agreement. I will also post the proof of this soon as well.  DAHYFESXEB9T
When I soon return to Dundee I will look to take action against CCUSA through the small claims court. I have the original contract/program agreement with CCUSA as well as proof of them lying to me and their bad attitude towards the situation through emails with them. With all I have against CCUSA, I should ideally have this all sorted as soon as possible. 
The director of Camp Birchwood for Boys and with Camp Birchwood for Boys, I got treated me horribly and it has had severe implication on my life back home which has included money problems among many other things and because Camp Birchwood for Boys is a small summer camp in America it would cost me a lot more money than I have to take legal action against them, but if I did have the money I would take legal action against amp Birchwood for Boys without a seconds thought as there needs to be justice for this and the director is not fit to be in charge of children or staff. However very recently and on advice I have been given previously there is another way I could get justice for what happened to me at Camp Birchwood for Boys, not a legal route but depending on how long it will take this would hopefully get the whole horrible situation with Camp Birchwood for Boys sorted out once and for all.
I believe I can get this whole mess sorted out soon, and has had a horrible impact on my life and at least some justice needs to be done and before something like this happens again. Although I believe if the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys was to do it again, he would never get away with it as at the very least I have got what happened to me at Camp Birchwood for Boys out there and it would be too risky and stupid for the director to even attempt this again but having met the director and seen the exact type of person he is, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was to try it again and justice still needs to be done as the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys should not be allowed to get away with this.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Do Not Apply Through CCUSA

Do Not Apply Through CCUSA!
CCUSA overcharged me for the applicant fees and then went on to lie to me about why I got overcharged, saying it was the exchange rate charges that was the reason I got overcharged and yet the told another person that CCUSA cover the exchange rate charges so the applicants only have to pay the fees that have been originally stated.
I got treated horribly by the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys, Daniel Bredemus. The director seemed to develop a personal problem with me towards the end of my time the and then fired me for something I didn't do. I went to CCUSA for help on this matter and provided them with so much proof that I didn't do what I was accused of and that the director had most likely done this on purpose to get rid of me and yet CCUSA did nothing to help me here.
Do not apply through CCUSA. They are a horrible summer camp organisation and will do nothing to help you when you are in need.