So back in September I recommended somebody against applying through CCUSA because of my bad experience. CCUSA contacted me saying to email them in order I wouldn't and that they they would help sort my problems with them.
This is the main parts of the email I sent them.
I have emailed CCUSA about this situation before, through a different email address though.
I stated my reasons about being unfairly treated by camp and that what they accused me off didn't happen.
The proof that I was unfairly let go is that another counsellor got accused of largely the same things as me and kept his job, the director 'Daniel Bredemus' seemed to have something against me in the end, he also lied to me just before I left camp and he also said that he would hire me again next year and if he truly believed what I got accused of he would never offer that, and I feel he said this in the hope that I didn't put in a complaint against him.
From what I can tell all CCUSA did was send Camp Birchwood for Boys an email asking for their reasons and the camp's reply to this seemed to be the end of the matter, and I was also told that CCUSA had adequate information on it and although I don't consider that even adequate information, you should be looking to collect as much information as possible to get to bottom of the matter considering I am a paying customer.
I went into more detail into what happened in previous emails and still got next to no help from CCUSA.
What I feel on your reasons for this is that CCUSA got $341 dollars of my wage and I feel had this not been the case, you may have been more helpful.
I got paid $452 from my time there, I was due $1510 for the dates I was contracted and because of what happened to me I am now in debt. I am also due to start my 3rd year of University on Monday 23 September 2013, and I still don't have a flat or the money for a flat because of what happened to me in all this, I now have to rely on my student loan to get something sorted or I will have to drop out.It was the head of the UK office David King I got in contact with and this is the first part of his reply.
Although this is the camp's fault because its their lies, CCUSA could have easily done so much more to help me on this matter as there is clearly something else going on here and I feel the director may have had his own personal reasons for this as it is the only thing that makes sense to me. The fact is what I was accused of didn't happen and this should never have happened to me and I feel you should have helped me out more.
Hi Stuart and thanks for getting in touch. Although I did not deal directly with your situation at camp, I was aware of what was happening and was kept informed at every stage by Mike Fried, our US Country Director and Robert Hudson, one of our Placement Coordinators. At that time, they were best placed to assist you. It is important to remember that once a dismissal has taken place, we have to respect and accept the decision of the Camp Director, your employer, as we are not there to oversee your every action. If there are disputes that arise from a firing, we can then look into it. I understand that when you spoke to Robert on July 19th, you accepted the reasons for your dismissal, before questioning the decision on July 22nd.Now what I have highlighted is that CCUSA tried to claim that I accepted the reasons for being fired, Which I never did.
I in fact complained when I was still in Minneapolis by a payphone in the Greyhound Bus Station before I started travelling on July 20th.
I didn't complain to CCUSA when I was still in camp because I was confused with what was happening but I never once accepted the decision. SO THE FIRST LIE FROM CCUSA ON THIS EMAIL.
Here is the next part of CCUSA email.
Secondly, if there are any disputes which arise from a dismissal, we have a duty to take any allegations seriously and deal with them appropriately wherever necessary. From your e-mail, it seems that this is where your grievance lies, but your main issues concern the way that your dismissal was handled by Camp Birchwood. Having worked at camps where people have been fired, I do know that action is taken quickly, decisively and often without a lengthy explanation.What I have highlighted is what CCUSA tried to tell me what my reasons were for why I'm not happy with what happened but as I have made clear so many times the reason I'm not happy is that the director not only wrongfully fired me but there is so much proof that shows that the director has purosely done this for his own personal agenda.
Next main part of the reply from CCUSA
Although the reasons for your dismissal were deemed to be acceptable, we also review all of the camps that we work with and major issues are addressed at the end of the season. In the past there have been occasions where we have stopped working with camps who show a disregard for the health, safety or wellbeing of the counselors. Although I am not involved in this process, your statement, as well as surveys from other counselors, will be looked at and taken into account. As I’m sure you can understand, this process cannot take place over the summer while both our US Office and the summer camps are incredibly busy. As a result, your situation was looked at during the summer and will also be discussed once the reviews take place. I feel that this is an acceptable outcome and constitutes a proper, thorough review into the matter.Now what I have highlighted clearly shows that David King of CCUSA has said that my matter will be looked at in more detail at the end of the summer due to CCUSA being to busy during to busy during the summer.
Here is the main part of my reply to this.
Hi, thanks for getting back to meHere is the reply from CCUSA
I never accepted the reasons for my dismissal and Robert Hudson told me to send him an email on the matter when I got back to the UK, this is what I did.
I recognise the efforts made in helping me get back to the UK and I sent an email to Robert and CCUSA thanking them for helping me get back.
I also then sent an email of why I felt I was unfairly dismissed and Robert said he would get in contact with Camp Birchwood and then get in contact with me. He got in contact with me saying that he had accepted the camps decision on it, I was understandably upset with this as I know I did not do this and it seemed that this was an end on the matter.
Later I contacted Mike Fried and he ended up saying that they had collected adequate information on the matter and again I was understandably upset on this matter as you should be doing everything possible to get the matter sorted out.
What I wasn't told before was that my matter was going to get reviewed at the end of the summer. I am pleased to hear this as what happened to me wasn't fair and I believe that with a proper review into this situation that I will be cleared with what I was accused of.
If I get any information from our US Office, I will of course pass it on to you. The end of season reviews will focus on the overall experience of our counselors, so alongside your experience will be information from people who will have stayed for the whole summer and enjoyed everything about their time at Birchwood for Boys. If our US Office do decide to continue our working relationship with the camp, it will be because the positive aspects of the camp outweigh the negative aspects. We would never knowingly send our counselors to an environment that we believe is unsafe or where counselors are not looked after, but we also have to remember that dismissals are sometimes an unfortunate part of a job for both the employer and employee. Firing a member of staff does not automatically make a camp a terrible place and this will be factored into the review. It’s also important to note that any review will not necessarily look at specific incidents, but will be factored into part of a larger review. Your case will certainly be highlighted, but as it was comprehensively dealt with over the summer, I do not feel that our US Office or Birchwood will go into too much depth unless there is new information to discuss.Now David King clearly stated in the email just before this that CCUSA were to busy to do a full review into the matter and that it will be looked at in more detail at the end of the summer
Now what I have highlighted here shows David King of CCUSA changing the story, now saying that my situation was 'comprehensively' looked at in the summer and will not be dealt with unless more information comes to light.
So this is the first major lie that I have caught CCUSA out on!
My reply to them just showed my disappointment in them. Although I did send them some new information as I never knew I was being accused of something my co-counselor did (forcing a camper to do push-ups).
The new information I gave to CCUSA here was everything that happened in this incident. Here is what actually happened and the exact message I sent CCUSA on this. Here is a link to the same message I'm about to post on here;
Now the start of the message is the report that the director 'Daniel Bredemus' sent to CCUSA
- Being cruel to one camper in particular. Stuart would yell obscenities at him and tell him to stop paddling and then he would yell at him to start paddling again over and over again. The camper was confused and scared of Stuart Moran. This camper was also making shadow puppets in the cabin while Stuart was reading a book to the campers, and as a punishment for not paying attention, Stuart forced him to do push ups. During the push up session, Stuart put his foot on the camper's back, and caused him to fall over and made him start over again with the push-ups. Other campers in the cabin confirmed the story.:This part of the message is me telling CCUSA the full story of what happened with the main incident
- Campers also stated that Stuart screamed obscenities at a homesick camper who cried frequently during the trip.
- Threatening to drag a camper out of his tent if he did not get out, while using obscenities.
What I have highlighted I was not accused of by Birchwood for boys and knew nothing about it until recieving this, it was a canoeing trip and it was me and 2 other campers in one canoe and I did not yell at either of the campers and the other camper in the canoe did not make this complaint so why would I do this to one and not the other.As for the shadow puppet incident, the camp punishment was 10 push-ups, this for one campers didn't mind as a punishment and also the director 'Daniel Bredemus' was OK with the punishment for push ups. What happened in this case was that it was a time called lights out, where we get the campers to quiet down and ready for bed, so when the camper kept on acting out in this way I said that he had 50 push ups in the morning, this is something I always said and had them do no more than 10, the morning came and I got him to do 10 push ups and then what I didn't expect was the other campers started to complain because of what I said the night before about 50 push ups and I said he would do them later but they were still complaining and that is when my co-counselor got up from his bed and told the camper to do push ups and every time the camper stoped doing it my co-counselor made him start again and my co-counselor never forced him to fall over but he did put his foot on his back as the other campers were complaining that he wasn't doing them properly. i had no idea what to do here and it took until my fellow counselor asked me if he had done the correct amount of push ups (where I said yes) for him to stop.
I can see why the camper wouldn't be happy with me here but why I got accused of something my co-counselor did(although exsaggerated by the camper) I still don't understand.
I also don't understand why the director failed to mention this to me, as it seems that this is easily the worst thing in the report. I feel it may be because had the director mentioned this to me before I left I would have been able to answer this, as I have already stated I feel he may have had his own personal reasons for letting me go.What I have highlighted is what actually happened in this incident and is the exact same message I sent sent CCUSA roughly 6 months ago.
Now as you can see from the message I sent CCUSA, I took responsibility for that I could have done more to stop it at the time as well as me taking responsibility for being a bit of an idiot in all of this. It was the other counselor that had done this.
Although I could have stopped it sooner. I did stop it and I made sure it never happened again.
Also in this I say that the camper exaggerated what happened but it was the director 'Daniel Bredemus' that wrote the report, so who's to say he didn't purposely make it look even worse than it was.
After I sent CCUSA this, I still haven't heard anything back on this matter. So when they said that CCUSA will look into the matter when new information comes up, this was obviously another lie. I don't even know if CCUSA sent this to the director, well it wouldn't have made a difference as he already knows I didn't do it.