My last post was in July where I gave a summary of everything that happened on the day I was let go from Camp Birchwood for Boys. Now I believe that everything that I have said is enough proof already that the directly had purposely fired me for something I didn't do, however recently further proof which now undoubtedly proves, no matter what way you look at it shows that Daniel Bredemus has purposely fired me knowing I did nothing wrong.
Shortly after my last post in July I got a comment on my YouTube video ( from an account with the name of the homesick camper, that was the main basis from which Daniel Bredemus said I was getting fired on the day. I had the comment reported/investigated by YouTube on the basis of it being a fraudulent account and the comment was then deleted by YouTube itself.
Now this latest comment (from the picture) is from only 2 weeks ago and again from an account with the name of the homesick camper stating "I changed my mind this camp sucked" So either this is indeed the homesick camper or it is someone who from Camp Birchwood for Boys itself that is posing as the homesick camper.
No matter what way you look at the comment, it proves beyond a doubt that I was wrongfully fired. Lets look at it starting from what I previously mentioned about a counselor 'Jack Kirby' who came and told me and Brent Louis that the homesick camper was out to get us for not letting him go back to camp. Now if this is the homesick camper that wrote this comment, it shows a change in story from what Jack Kirby had previously said and therefore proving that it didn't happen. Another way to look at it is if the comment is from Camp Birchwood for Boys, what would be their reasoning behind it, either way it again proves that what happened to me was wrong.
There is one more way to look at it and this is the very unlikely chance that Daniel Bredemus truly believed that what he was doing was the right thing, this comment now proves as in every other case that what he did to me was wrong, surely now he will want to make this right. Honestly though there is no doubt in my mind that Daniel Bredemus knew that he was wrongfully firing me as already stated through returning counselor 'Jack Kirby' both me and Brent Louis were both accused yet I was the only one fired but maybe Dan thought the camper was lying about Brent but telling the truth about me, also there was the fact the the homesick camper was not part of my group on the trip as he wasn't once in my canoe or tent which would mean it could have only been Brent Louis who had done what was being accused and also with the other accusation in regards to the other camper as I have already mentioned this was Brent Louis that was mainly involved in that incident and what proves to me that Daniel Bredemus knew that this wasn't me was that he never accused me of this in person, so unfortunately I have no doubt that Daniel Bredemus had wrongfully fired me on purpose and this comment will just end up further proving me right.
Now as well as all this, I believed the director had something against me at the end of my time there and this came from bad reactions from simple questions I asked. Now I believe this came from a counselor that without a doubt had a problem with me, this counselor is Patrick Cullen. Patrick Cullen I believe is the longest serving counselor and someone I believe Daniel Bredemus sees as a brother. I overheard Patrick Cullen bad mouthing me, Scotland and Scottish people on more than one occasion to both campers and certain staff members, now when I first heard this all I could do was put my head down and try to get on with my job given Patrick Cullen's position at the camp and although I believe that Daniel Bredemus accusing me of something that Brent Louis may or may not of done came as a convenience, I have no doubt in my mind that it was Patrick Cullen's bad reaction towards me that was the real reason that Daniel Bredemus fired me.
This is something I should have mentioned a long time ago and as for the reason Patrick Cullen started reacting this way towards me, I believe it to be because of a wrong opinion that was formed about me that I picked up on early on but believed it to be a harmless opinion as I have now had this opinion follow me about for the last two years after something that happened to me at the beginning of my second year at university and that is something I will sort out myself.
Now no matter the reason for why Daniel Bredemus chose to fire me, it was wrong and all that they ever needed to do was talk to me about it, most other places would have done this and yet Daniel Bredemus chose not to, but chose to do one of the worst things he could have done to me, knowing the consequences that would have come my way and for that I believe Daniel Bredemus to be a bad person and whats worse I believed him to be a good person at first.
So from this I will contact a few people that I have previously contacted to do my best in making things right in regards to this. For anyone that reads this that is considering going to this camp, what happened to me there was wrong and I highly advise you against going there while Daniel Bredemus is involved at this camp as what happened to me could easily happen to someone else but anyone that does go there, I wish you the best in your time there.
Also to Daniel Bredemus or anyone one else involved that day, if you ever want to have an honest conversation about all this I am more than happy to that, whether I'm right or wrong about this.
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